In the 1950s, a series of unexplained events took place in a small town called Redstone, Pennsylvania, where the parents of several families disappeared leaving chaos throughout the community. Detective Alasdair, a successful and veteran investigator was in charge in several cases regarding this issue, but most cases we... Read More.
Sid Meier’s Civilization III is the third instalment of the Sid Meier’s Civilization turn-based strategy video game series. The game map is made up of square tiles on a grid. Each city, terrain improvement, and unit is located in a specific tile, and each tile can host any number of units. Land tiles can contain a transportation improvement (road or railroad) a...
ANNO: Mutationem is an action-adventure game with RPG elements set in a cyberpunk world, featuring a unique mix of pixelated 2D & 3D graphic style with a rich, dark and bizarre plot.ANNO: Mutationem for PC GameplayGamers often comes with a question about a game that how to play any game. So below is a video tutorial about ANNO: Mutationem which will help you to...
The Drained Goddess is a first-person survival horror game achieved with CryEngine. It focuses on combat system and side story exploration. You will need to fight with many unique enemies and investigate the twisted fate of our main character. Finally you can put different endings to the story.There are many unique featured enemies. Their behaviors and abilities ar...
In 2017, The Secret World was relaunched as Secret World Legends. Secret World Legends is a massively multiplayer online role-playing video game set in a modern-day real world under attack from occult forces. The game allows the player to control a character or avatar within a game world in third- or first-person view. This character can be used for exploration, fi...
Dying Light is an open world first person survival horror action-adventure video game developed by Techland and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.Dying Light is a first-person zombie apocalypse-themed game set in an open world. Players traverse an expansive urban environment overrun by a vicious epidemic, scavenging the world for supplies and craf...